Seoul Winter Tour Free and Easy Itinerary – Our Final Plan

Seoul Winter Tour

I know many of you travel and cold country is always a favourite destination for us to escape the unpleasant heat and humidity. 😆 My skin will suffer when the temperature drops to single digit, but I don’t mind it. After experiencing my first winter vacation in Hokkaido last year, I’m better prepared this year … Read more

Trip Report: Hokkaido Dec’18 10D9N Winter DIY Itinerary


Konichiwa, peeps! 🙂 As you might already know, I just got back from my Hokkaido winter vacation. I have ALWAYS wanted to visit Hokkaido, and I’m super glad that I made it happen this time. My friends often tell me that once you visit Hokkaido, you’ll definitely be back very soon. Yup, I agreed wholeheartedly … Read more