How Airline Ticket Scalpers Took Over the Chinese Travel Market

In China, airline ticket scalpers have taken over the travel market. For years, these scalpers have been able to get away with charging high prices for tickets, and they’ve been able to do so because there was no other way for people to get tickets. However, that has changed in recent years.

With the advent of the internet, people in China are now able to purchase tickets directly from airlines. This has resulted in a significant decrease in the price of tickets, and it has also made it much easier for people to get their hands on them.

In China, airline ticket scalpers have taken over the travel market. They buy up tickets at rock-bottom prices and then sell them to unsuspecting travelers at a huge markup. The scalpers use a variety of methods to get their hands on cheap tickets, including waiting in line for hours or even days outside of ticket offices.

While some airlines have tried to crack down on this practice by cancelling tickets that have been resold, the scalpers have found ways around these measures. As a result, many travelers in China are paying far more than they need to for their airfare. If you’re planning a trip to China, be aware of this problem and try to book your flights directly with the airline.

If you must use a travel agent, make sure they are reputable and check the price of your ticket against other sources before buying.

How Airline Ticket Scalpers Took Over the Chinese Travel Market


What is the Chinese Travel Market

The Chinese travel market is the largest outbound tourism market in the world. In 2018, Chinese travelers made a total of 149 million trips abroad, spending a whopping $277.3 billion USD. This represents a significant increase from just a decade ago, when Chinese travelers made only 10 million international trips.

There are several factors driving this growth in the Chinese travel market. Firstly, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of middle-class and wealthy households in China over the past few years. As more and more people have disposable income, they are increasingly keen to spend it on experiences like overseas travel.

Secondly, the Chinese government has been encouraging its citizens to travel more through initiatives like easing visa restrictions and launching direct flights to popular destinations around the world. So where do these 149 million Chinese travelers go when they venture abroad? Well, Europe is by far the most popular destination, with 43% of all outbound trips being to countries like France, Italy and Germany.

North America is also popular (19%), as are Southeast Asian countries like Thailand and Vietnam (17%). Not surprisingly given its proximity, Hong Kong is also a top destination for mainland Chinese travelers (10%). With such huge numbers ofChinese tourists traveling overseas each year, it’s no wonder that businesses around the world are clamoring for a piece of this lucrative market.

From hotels and tour operators to airlines and retailers, everyone wants to tap into this booming industry. And with good reason – according to estimates by McKinsey & Company, by 2030 the total spending power of China’s outbound tourists will reach an incredible $1 trillion USD!

What are Airline Ticket Scalpers

While most people buy their airline tickets directly from the airline or through an online travel agent, some people turn to ticket scalpers. Ticket scalpers are people who buy up tickets and then sell them at a higher price, usually close to the date of the flight. While ticket scalping is technically legal in many jurisdictions, it is often frowned upon by airlines and other customers.

This is because ticket scalpers often take advantage of desperate or last-minute travelers who are willing to pay almost anything for a seat on a plane. Additionally, ticket scalping can drive up prices for everyone by creating artificial shortages of seats. If you’re considering buying a ticket from a scalper, be sure to check the price with the airline first.

In many cases, you’ll find that the airline is still selling tickets for less than what the scalper is charging.

How Did They Take Over the Chinese Travel Market

In order to take over the Chinese travel market, a company would need to have a strong understanding of the Chinese culture and what appeals to Chinese travelers. They would also need to have a wide array of products and services that appeal to different segments of the Chinese travel market. Additionally, they would need to be able to effectively market their products and services to the Chinese population.

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A few years ago, airline ticket scalpers were a common sight at Chinese airports. They would approach travelers and offer to buy their unused tickets for a discount. The scalpers would then resell the tickets at a higher price, making a profit in the process.

However, this practice has largely come to an end due to the rise of online travel agencies (OTAs). OTAs such as Ctrip and Qunar have made it easier for travelers to book flights and find good deals. As a result, there is less need for scalpers.

Despite this, some airport employees still ScalpTickets . This is because they get commissions from ticket sales. In addition, some airlines continue to sell tickets through scalpers.

This is because it allows them to offload unsold seats without having to offer discounts.

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